Five Minute Prep.
In the past few weeks, I made a solid commitment to a daily routine of meditating, yoga practice, and writing. I had done one or two for months even years but I realised that all three were what gave me the most benefit and satisfaction. In my writing routine, I felt the need to share more of what I've learnt on my journey as a Holistic Health Counsellor. So here's a simple and fast way to start your day with a nutrient-dense, vitamin-filled, delicious breakfast. This will be an investment in yourself, it's always been a motto of mine when it comes to food, exercise and supplements, 'I'm investing in myself because if I don't feel my best and work on longevity how will I be able to go after my goals in life?' A healthy mind, body and attitude can only be achieved through a healthy lifestyle. There's a lot to unpack in that statement but I'll leave that for another post, for now, let's get back to a yummy and power-packed breakfast recipe.
You've heard of Superfoods? Well, the definition of Superfood is a nutrient-dense food, it's also a buzz word developed by Raw Food movement of the '90s where foods that were not cooked retained their vitamins and mineral more so than if they were cooked. Most of the times that's true but it turns out that some foods were not fully digestible in their raw form and thus were not a good source of nutrients in that state.
This is a gluten-free and dairy-free recipe for delicious fruit-based morning porridge. The main ingredient starts with:
2 tablespoons of fast cooking oats rich in antioxidants, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.
3 tablespoons of an ancient grain product mix called Porrij.
1 tbs berries such as blueberries or strawberries.
1/2 banana, or apple.
1 dates
3/4 tbs walnuts,
3/4 tbs goji berries
1/4 tbs chia seeds
2 tbs of your favourite nut milk.
Follow the links to find out more about these ingredients, and make this recipe your own. This meal is filling, high in energy-producing nutrients, easy to digest, will sustain you for hours and takes 5 minutes to prepare.